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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Task Force meeting

Members of our Task Force - a reminder. We will be meeting Monday morning, 7:30 a.m., July 26, 2010, at the Warhorse Inn. Task Force members include Josh (DDC), Joe and JJ (Chamber), Justin and Jamie (PEDC). Mitch, past president of the Chamber and current CEO of the PEDC has been attending meetings too, and brings good historical perspective.

There's no formal agenda, really, but if there were it would look like this:

* give each other an update on where our respective organizations are at this moment. What issues are we working on?

* review the comments from our two public meetings, getting the read on the Parker business community.

* decide if further outreach meetings should be done, either separately or together.

* get a general sense if it makes sense to go to the next step of investigating some kind of consolidated operations (check back with our boards?), and if so...

* identify a timeline to (a) do research on various other models out there, (b) talk about what a plan needs to have (a statement of purpose, a broad committee or organizational structure that ensures the needs we've heard about get addressed), and (c) some kind of funding model (membership, events, other?)

* identify any other questions or processes that we need to follow.

Since this is an open process, we may well have members of the general community in the restaurant. To those, I say: buy a nice big breakfast for yourself!

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